You may find my Baskets at:

The Lucky Dumpster: 14011 Mactaggart Ave, Edison, WA Fri-Sun 11am-5pm 360.766.4049 Whimsies: 830 SE Pioneer Way, Oak Harbor, WA, 98277 10:30am-5pm 360.682-2468 Whidbey Farm and Market 1422 N Monroe Landing Rd Oak Harbor, WA 98277 Of course, you may shop in my Gallery & Studio next to home, all year! Best to call, 206.310.8142 so we don't miss each other! Next Show , July 23rd, I will be at Deception Pass Park, Next to Deception Pass Bridge for their 100th Year Celebration, Community Picnic, Car Show, Antique Camping Trailer Show, Art, Vendors, Etc!